The Dialects of Kurdish (legacy site)

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G-001 Sahneh, Iran

 1 ey xwa.
Oh God!
 2 mesełen xenebanan dirin, xenebanan.
For example we have “xenebanan” (Henna day), xenebanan.
 3 eqd / eqd memulen qebł ez erusî eqd eken.
The wedding contract, usually before the wedding ceremony they bind the marriage contract.
 4 pîşê erûsî eqd eken
Before the wedding ceremony they bind the marriage contract.
 5 bed şowê / şowê qebł ez erûsî xenebanan dirin.
Then the night after the wedding ceremony we have Henna day.
 6 ke memulen [xanewadayl nizek dewet eken cü gişt ca].
Usually they invite close families from all around.
 7 Bed şowi erusî-ş xo kê teẋrîben cûri beqîye cayêle musîqî kordî w bîştir kordî ereqsin.
Then on the wedding night like almost all other places there is Kurdish music and they dance Kurdish dances.
 8 hełperke eken vełî xo farsî-ş ereqsin.
We do “halparke” (kurdish dance) but of course we dance Persian dances too.
 9 memulen yê beşêkî farsî ereqsin.
Usually one part of the dance is Persian dance
 10 melaw ştî wa-ş heye bo naw edq û şit?
Do you have a Molla (clerk) for your weddings, etc?
 11 Mila ne, mila natêrin, memulen eçine mehzer eqd eken
Mulla no, we don’t bring a mulla, usually we go to the “mehzer” (office) for the wedding contract.
 12 Mehzer ezanî çies xo?
You know what “mehzer” is, don’t you?
 13 erê.
 14 eçine ore eqd eken
We go there for wedding contract.
 15 ve sûretê resmî feqet.
Just officially only.
 16 velî xo Yarisan xodê Yarisan yê naçar in ki era ye ki sebt [bü êzdiwaca sebt bü naçar in ke eçine mehzer eqd biken tibqê] qewanîn.
But well Yarasan, Yarasan people themselves, they have to go to “mehzer” in order to make it offically recorded as a wedding contract following the law.
 17 Velî xob xoyan-îş eger bitwan, xoyan-îş yê merasimê eqd dîrin,
But well if they want it, they have a ceremony of marriage contract too.
 18 yê doayi eqd dîrin ke memulen yê nefer ki seyyide pê üşin ya pîrew xanevadese etêrin ve naw yê merasime yê nîyazi doayi, ye merasimi menasike era xwey.
They have a marriage prayer that usually a person who is called “seyyid” or an older person of the family, they bring him to the wedding ceremony (for) an invocation, a prayer. This is a ritual ceremony in itself.
 19 Menasiki dînîye, eqd eken
Religious ritual, (by which) they bind the marriage contract
 20 ve bi sûreti / bi sûreti dînî yanî ve sûretê, do nefer ki moteqid bi dînê yaresan eqd eken.
and in a religious way, that is, in the way of two people who are believers of the Yaresan religion, they bind the marriage contract.
 21 î çe büşim?
What else should I say?
 22 le êzdewac u şit çona le naw qewmekani dî? degel mezahîbî dî?
How is wedding ceremony with other tribes? With different religions?
 23 Memulen [hane se] ki yarisanî bayed veger yarisanî çêş bikê, êzêwac bikê
Usualy those who are Yarsan should do thing, get married, with Yarsan people.
 24 velî xob ittifaq ekefê ke meselen yê yarisanî yê şiye bisenê ya yê şîye yê yarisanî bisenê velî xeylî kem
But then it also happens that for instance a Yaresan person marries a Shiite woman or a Shiite man marries a Yarasan, but this is rare.
 25 ewaqibî çiya?
What is the consequence?
 26 ewaqibêk ewaqibêk nêyrê, yeni ziyad, nehayeten yê hałetê çu zanim yê narahetîyê pîş etê velî ewa/ ewaqibi eslen xoşûnet daştü ya yê êtêfaq bikefê ne wucud nê
There is no consequence, that is, not too much, but ultimately it brings a situation of unpleasantness, but there are no consequences like violence or something happening, no there is no such thing.
 27 Bed ez yê modet-îş hel ewû qezîye velî xob bîşter yaresenyl vegerdi yêk êzdiwac eken yenî derûn/ derûn xanêwadigîyê ve nezerê [iłimê insanşênasî]
After a while this issue would be solved but most of the Yarasan people marry among themselves, that is within the family from the sociological point of view.
 28 yê çuştîtir ke racivi Sehne büşim. Sehne ve nezerê musîqîş teqriben yê merkezê mohêm ê ki xob îme ezanîmin ki temîre temîre sazi temîre esen yarisan,
One more thing I can tell you about Sahna. Sahna is a center for music and we know that Tamira is a musical instrument for Yaresan,
 29 merasêmê dînîyi yarisan vegerdi temîre-s o mûzîk o bîş o vesi musiqî we menasiki dînî ve î xatire musiqî xeylî ehemiyetê fire dîrî ve nawi yarisan.
the Yaresan religious ceremony is with the Tamira and music and others and for that reason music is very important among the Yaresan.
 30 Kullen ayleyle yarisan xanêvadeylê yarisan gişt temîre dîrin ve her ve ayle ve suretê naxodagah, bidûnê ke yeki kes ve kesê ders bê yad egirin, temire.
Generally, Yaresan families, Yaresan families all have a Tamira and every family in an unconscious manner, without one teaching another, learn it, the Tamira.
 31 ve î xatire ve nezerê musîqî Sehne yê ve nami ostan teqrîben etönîm büşim yê qotbêk e, qotbê musiqiyêk e
For this reason Sahna, in regard to music, I can say, is a centre, is centre for music, in the province.
 32 musîqîdanî zor lêye lewê?
Are there a lot of musicians?
 33 Musiqî, teqriben gişt musiqî yê cürêylê ezanin, musîqî meqamî ezanin,
Music, almost all know sorts of music, they know the “maqam” music,
 34 elan meselen newazendeylê tar-o sêtari fire xûbi ki sentûr heta ve nami Sehne hes, mesen ve nami redîfeyli, mesen redeyli do-sê Îran etanim büşim sê […]
for instance, now there are musicians of “tar” and “setar” instruments, even of “santour” in Sahna, and they are among the second-third best players, I can say […]
 35 Dî çe büşime erat?
What else should I tell for you?
 36 Dî ye ki […]
 37 bo xot de musiqî w şitî wa kar dekey?
Are you working in music and such things?
 38 erê min-îş saz ejenim, velî xob […] teqrîben yê guruhêk daştim ve namê debîrestan ve name guruhê veçyar, ke saz ejenyaymin, temîre ejenyaymin.
Yes I also play music, but well I had groups named Dabirestan and Veçyar, where we played instruments, we played the Tamira.
 39 xob sazê qalib ve nami Sehne sazê temîre-s, velî xo elan ziyad forset nakem saz vijenim.
Well the main musical instrument in Sahna is the Tamira, but well, now I don’t have that much time to play music.
 40 Teqrîben yê dowre/ yê dowre sêtar jenim. Yê dowre/ yê dowre sêtar jenim, yê dowre tar jenim.
I almost had one period of playing the Setar. One period I played the Setar, One period I played the Tar,… (but didn’t)…. Do you know all of these?
 41 pes ewane ḥamu dezani to?
So you know all of them?
 42 Natünim büşim ke ezanim velî xo temîre xob bêhtir ezanim îdî çun teqrîben çwarde punzde sal dîrim temîre ejenim, velî xo era sêtar o tar jenîn dêr bîye, pîr im.
I can not say that I know them but well I know the Tamira better because it is almost fourteen-fifteen years that I have played the Tamira but well, for playing the Setar and Tar, it is too late now, I am old.
 43 çen sał-t-e?
How old are you?
 44 [yeni yekê pîr bîmine ke ne yenî eqre dî meşqele zîyad dîrem] meşqele w çişt zîyad bîye kareyli tir etê cur dowrey cûr dowrey cewanî natünî fire vext bîlî era/ era saz jenin.
I mean I am not old I mean I have a lot to do and I am busy, lots of things to do and such, lots of other work comes up, so you cannot spare much time for playing instruments like during your youth.
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