K-027 Muradiye, Turkey
K-027 Muradiye, Turkey
1 | E, weẋtê deprem bû, bavê mi Antalya bû, ez û birê min xûşkê min dîya min em malê bûn. |
When the earthquake happened, my father was in Antalya; me and my brothers, my sisters, my mother, we were at home. | |
2 | P’êşîyê hinek hejîya, me jî go yê bisekine. Yanî hê ç’end sal di-sê sal berîya wî jî me ç’end ḥeb deprem dîtibûn, ema hindik ne zêde dihejîyan. |
First it shook a bit, we thought that it would stop. That is, a few years earlier too, we had experienced a few earthquakes, but small, they didn’t shake much. | |
3 | Me jî go ev jî ʕeynî ye. |
We thought that this would also be the same. | |
4 | Ema p’aşê zêdetir bû. |
But later on it became stronger. | |
5 | Me ḥetanî xwa avîte malê, me dîna xwe da her k’es derk’etîye der. |
Then we threw ourselves from the house, we looked to see that everybody came out. | |
6 | Qirçeqirça p’encera û derîya û her k’es diqîre yê ku digirî yê ku xwa-va diç’e. |
There were crackling sounds of windows and doors and everyone screaming, some crying, some passed out. | |
7 | Em p’aşî piştî wî em rojekê li der-va hundirê ç’adirê da man, em p’aşî ç’ûne gund. |
Then we stayed under a tent for one day, then we went to the village. | |
8 | Tenê rojekî? |
Only one day? | |
9 | Ey rojekê t’enê. Me go belk’î hema deprem bisekine, tiştekî piçûk e, me nizabû waqa zêde yê bikşîne. |
Yes, only one day. We thought maybe the earthquake would just stop, it is a small thing, we did not know that it would last so long. | |
10 | Em rojekê ç’adirê da man, paşê em ç’ûne gund, gund jî usa dihejîya. |
We stayed in the tent for one day, then we went to the village, the village was also shaking like that. | |
11 | Em dik’etine hindir dihejîya, em direvîyan derketine der-va. |
We went inside, it shook, we ran away and went outside. | |
12 | Lê em nikaribû der-va bisekini ç’ima ewk e zivistan bû. Hinekî sar bû jî. |
But we were not able to stay outside since it was winter. It was a bit cold too. | |
13 | Gundê me jî gelek sare. Em jî usa gund da man. |
And our village is very cold. So we just stayed in the village like that. | |
14 | Çi were hebû li gundê we [..[]? |
Who was there in your village [..]? | |
15 | Em gund, eqrebayê me ḥemi gund in. |
We are a village, all of our relatives are in the village. | |
16 | Apê min, met’a min û kurrapê me kurrapê bavê me, kalikê me, ḥemi gund in. |
My (paternal) uncle, my (paternal) aunt and our cousins, our father’s cousins, our grandfather, all are in the village. | |
17 | Em jî yanî zêdetir em cem met’a xwe dimînin. |
And we spend more time at our aunt’s. | |
18 | T’abî em hine cara diç’ine ce apê xwe wana jî, lê ya zêdetir em cem met’a xwe wana dimînin. |
Of course we sometimes also go to our uncle’s, but we stay at our aunt’s house more. | |
19 | Niha gundê we nehatîye valakirin? |
Now, your village was not evacuated, was it? | |
20 | Na, gundê me, gava ku ew deprema berê ç’êbû, bîn doquz yüz yetmiş iki ç’i bû, nizam, ew wî depremî da zêdetir zirar dît, û bar kirine jorî. |
No, our village, when the previous earthquake, in 1972 or when it was, I do not know, in that earthquake it was damaged more, and they moved to the upper part. | |
21 | Jor jî hinekî bin ʕerd kevir e. Yanî gotine ev cîya ewk e riḥet e, deprem be jî zêde ewk nabe. |
The upper part beneath the earth is stone. That is, they thought this place is comfortable, even if an earthquake occurs it does not get that. | |
22 | Aha, ç’il pêncî metre yan jî belkî şêst ḥeftê metre anine dûr, wa-qas, p’iştî wî êdî hema wisa wê derê mane. |
In this way, they moved it away by forty to fifty or maybe sixty to seventy metres, that much, then they stayed there. | |
23 | Gundê me ne nêzingî sinir e. |
Our village is not near the border. | |
24 | Hinekî dûrî sinir e, yanî sinir, ti derkevî se çîyayekî, belkî sinir tê xuyanê lê gelek dûr e. |
It is a bit far from the border, that is, the border, if you go on a mountain, maybe the border is visible but it is very far. | |
25 | Ema gundê me nehatîye vała kirin. |
But our village was evacuated. | |
26 | Gund, ʕerdê me hebûn, zevîyê me hebûn, mesela roj/ salekî zevî diç’andin, zalekî/ salekî silq diç’andin, salekî jî once diç’andin. |
In the village, we had land, we had fields. For instance, one year they would grow the fields, one year they would grow beet, and one year they would grow clover. | |
27 | Ber vê, waẋtê ku gava ku once diç’andin, ewê ewk jê dikirin, dixistine ka, ber partosê, dixistine ka, ka difirotin. |
That is why, when, when they grow clover, they would cut it, turn it into straw, in the haymaker, turn it into straw, sell the straw. | |
28 | Wisa gêçima xwu derbas dikirin, t’a kî ḥetanî bavê mi ku ç’û ewkê ç’û Çanqiriyê, li wê derê xebitî. |
We would get by in this way, until my father went to Çankiri, he worked there. | |
29 | Li p’işt-va em gund derketin, lê herî zêdetir dizanî ḥemû ḥeywan in. |
After that we left the village, but you know it was mostly stockbreeding. | |
30 | Ḥeywanê me t’ine bû lê ḥeywanê met’a mi ewana hebûn. |
We didn’t have animals, but my aunt and others had animals. | |
31 | Ewna şîr dibû, penêr, û hêkê me û rûnê nivişkî, û nanê sêlê û nanê tendûrê, t’ept’epê me. |
They would give us milk, cheese, and eggs and butter and oven bread, our deep-oven bread, teptep [thick round] bread. | |
32 | Ḥemî ewî me rra dişand. |
The would send it all to us. | |
33 | Waqa/ wasa gêç’îma me derbas dibû. |
That’s how we got by. |
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Turkey (Kurmanji)