K-030 Nusaybin, Turkey
K-030 Nusaybin, Turkey
1 | Ez ********, li Nisêbînê li gundê Qutbê ç’êbûm. Ẓarroktîya mi jî li wê derê derbas bû. |
I am ********, I was born in Nusaybin, in the village of Qutb. My childhood was also spent there. | |
2 | Ḥeṭa duwazde sałîya xwe em li gundekî çîyê/ li gundekî çîyê bûn. |
Until I was twelve we were in a mountain village. | |
3 | P’işt rre em hatin, gundê me, dewletê gundê me vala kir, em hatne gundekî ç’olê. |
Then we came, the state evacuated our village, we came to a village in the plain. | |
4 | Em li wê dê bi cih bûn. |
We settled there. | |
5 | Ẓarroktîya min ẓarroktîke xweş bû bi rrastî, di nav dara de di nav çîyê de em/ em mazin bûn. |
My childhood was an enjoyable childhood, really; we grew up among the trees on the mountains. | |
6 | Ez ç’ûme ber berxa ez/ carina bi şivana rre mi şivantî dikir. |
I went to take care of the lambs, sometimes I was a shepherd, I was with the shepherds. | |
7 | P’işt re go em hatne gundê ç’olê, rrewşa me nexweş bû. |
Then when we came to the village in the plain, our situation became bad. | |
8 | Yanê em berê gelekî zengîn bûn, em feqîr bûn. |
That is, we were previously very rich, we became poor. | |
9 | Rrezê me hebûn, tirîyê me hebû, fêkîyê me hebû, me ji ber fêkî baz dida, p’iştî gundê ç’olê êdî em fêkî digerrîyan. |
We had gardens, we had grapes, we had fruit, we were overwhelmed with fruit, when we went to the village in the plain, we gathered fruit. | |
10 | Tiştekî wusa, yanî ew rrewşeke gelekî nexweş bû ji bo me. |
Something like that, that is, it was a very unpleasant situation for us. | |
11 | Em bi wêna gelekî êşîyan, yanî ḥemik, weke ḥemi mala me, ḥemi k’esê mala me em bi wê/ bi wê rrewşê gelek êşîyan ya rrastî. |
We were hurt very much by this, that is, all of us, the whole family, everybody in our family, we were hurt very much by this, really. | |
12 | P’işt re min li wê dê jî mi mekt’eb/ mi mekt’eba xwe dewam kir. |
Then I continued my school there too. | |
13 | Ez, heşt sała mi li mekt’eba yatlî xwend. |
I studied at the boarding school for eight years. | |
14 | Mekt’eba yatlî p’iştî go mi xilas kir, mi fen lîsesî qezenc kir. |
When I finished boarding school I had the opportunity to study at a Fen high school. | |
15 | Fen lîsesî jî bavê mi ez neşyandim, ez mecbûr mam ez li Nisêbînê bixwênim carkê dî. |
The Fen high school, my father did not enroll me, I had to study in Nusaybin again. | |
16 | Mi Nisêbînê sê sała xwend. |
I studied in Nusaybin for three years. | |
17 | Sała p’êşî jî mi ünîverste qezenc dikir, lê bes ji bo go hin meseleyê me di nav malê de hebûn, bavê mi nehişt ez biç’ime sinavê û nehişt, dersê mi mabûn, ez sorimlî derbas bûm, wulo dibêjin. |
In the first year I would have been able to enter university, but because there were some issues in the family, my father did not let me go to the exam and did not allow/ I had lessons left to take, I past with satisfactory, as they call it. | |
18 | Nehişt ez herrime wa sinava û ji ber wêna jî mi nikaribû t’ercîha bikim. |
He did not let me go to those exams and because of this I could not apply. | |
19 | Ez wê sałê neç’ûme ünîverstê. Ez sała dî ez ç’ûme dersxanê sałekê. |
That year I did not go to the university. The following year I went to the preparatory course for one year. | |
20 | Zêde ez neç’ûme dersxanê jî yanî ya rrastî, ez ji xwe re ez diç’ûm k’ît’abxaneyeke hevalê mi wa hebû, ez wê drê dirûniştim mi ji xwe re k’ît’ab dixwendin. |
To be honest, I did not go very often to the preparatory course either, I would go to/ some friends of mine had a bookstore, I would sit there and read books. | |
21 | Ez wulo k’etme sinavê dîsa mi qezenc kir. |
I entered the exam in that way and I still passed. | |
22 | Jixwe mi zanîbû yanî ji-xwe ewle bûm go ez-ê ünîverstê qezenc kim. |
Of course I knew, that is, I was confident in myself, that I would gain a place at university. | |
23 | Ez ç’ûme Edîrnê. |
I went to Edirne. | |
24 | Li Edîrne mi xwand, sała p’êşî ez k’etme nav sîyaseta k’urdî de bi hevalê me-yê yê PKKyî yê Ap’ocî, em jî wusa. |
In Edirne I studied, the first year I fell into Kurdish politics together with our friends from the PKK, Apocis, us too. | |
25 | Mi sałekê ez nav wa de mam, dûv rre mi dev jê berda. |
I stayed among them for one year, then I gave it up. | |
26 | Nisêbîn bajarekî qedîm e, gelekî kevn e yanî bajarekî gelekî gelekî kevn e. |
Nusaybin is an ancient city, that is, it is a very, very old city. | |
27 | Lê gelek miłatê dî mane, yanî weke fiłeha, yanî em ji suryanîya rra dibêjin fiłeh. |
Many other people have lived there, that is, such as the Filehs, we call the Syriacs ‘Fileh’. | |
28 | Êzîdî hene, gundê êzîdîya hene, gundê fiłeha gelek in. |
There are Yezidis, there are Yezidi villages, there are many Christian villages. | |
29 | Miḥelmî lê hene. |
There are Muhalmis. | |
30 | Ji miḥelmîya rre bêtir bajarî tê gotin. |
The Muhalmis are more often called ‘bajarî’ (i.e. city-dwellers). | |
31 | Yanî bajarî berê k’esê go li bajêr bûn ê di nav bajêr bi xwe de, nava Nisêbînê de, bajarî bûn. |
That is, formerly those who were in the city, inside the city itself, inside Nusaybin, they were city-dwellers. | |
32 | Û Nisêbîn bajarekî gelekî bi çûçik bû, li gor ko ewqasî kevn bû jî dîsa jî bajarekî piçûçik bû. |
And Nusaybin was a very small city, although it was so old it was still a tiny, small city. | |
33 | Vê talîyê, p’iştî sałê hezar û nehsed û not û sîya wana, wextê go dewletê gund vala kirin, Nisêbîn bi carekê rre gelekî gelekî mezin bû. |
Recently, after around 1993, when the state evacuated the villages, Nusaybin all of a sudden became very, very big. | |
34 | Berîya wêna, yê me, em, ç’awa bêjim, mesela, em nav miłat û dînê ferqlî de em/ em diman. |
Before that, about us, we, how shall I say, for instance, we were living among different people and religions. | |
35 | Mesela, cîranê me fiłeh bûn, süryanî bûn, şivanê me êzidî bûn. |
For instance, our neighbors were Christians and were Syriacs, our shepherds were Yezidi. | |
36 | Hevalê bavê mi hebûn, dihatne cem me diç’ûn ji Midyadê, ewna miḥelmî bûn. |
There were my father’s friends, they would frequent our house from Midyat, they were Muhalmis. | |
37 | Ya ʕerebî, dengê ʕerebî dik’etne guhê me de, dengê süryanî. |
Or Arabic, we would hear Arabic sounds, Syriac sounds. | |
38 | Û kurmancîyê êzidî, mesela, axaftina wana jî, em jî ṭorrî ne ew jî ṭorrîne bes axaftina wana hinekî ji ya me qalindtir e. |
And the Kurmanci of the Yezidi, for instance, their speech too, we are Tori, they are also Tori, but their speech is a bit thicker than ours. | |
39 | Dengê wana hinekî ji yê me qalindtir, stûrtir em dibêjin, stûrtir derdik’et. |
Their sounds are a bit thicker than ours, thicker we say, comes out a bit thicker. | |
40 | Tê bîra min me gelekî ḥenekê xwe bi wana dikir. |
I remember, we would make fun of them a lot. | |
41 | K’oçer dihatin dîsa ji alîyê Wanê, ji alîyê Bitlîsê. |
The Nomads would also come from the direction of Van, from the direction of Bitlis. | |
42 | Wextê k’oçer dihatin ji me rre şiteẋalîya wana gelekî gelekî ʕecêb dihat, em gelekî bi wana dik’enîyan. |
When the Nomads came, their speech would sound very, very strange to us, we would laugh at them very often. | |
43 | Me digo “evna ç’ilo dişteẋlin, nizanin bi kurmancî,” di çav xwe de. |
We would say “how do they speak, they do not know Kurmanci”, pretentiously. | |
44 | Em, wusa, me ḥenekê xwe bi wa dikir. |
In that way, we were making fun of them. | |
45 | Ji bo fiłeha jî mesela gelek tiştê ḥenek-pê-kirinê hebûn. |
There was a lot to make fun of about the Christians too. | |
46 | Niha go ez difikirim ji mi rre hinekî ʕecêb tê bi rrastî yanî. |
Now when I think of it, I find it really strange. | |
47 | Mesela serê çîrokê me de, ç’îk hebûn, ez ç’awa bêjim, me digo “hebû nebû maẓinê fiłeha se bû, serê bana digerrî, gulokê goşt ji qûnê diweşî.” |
For instance, at the beginning of our stories there was something, how shall I say, we would say “once upon a time, the head of the Christians was a dog, it would stroll on the roofs, with a piece of meat swinging from its backside.” | |
48 | Ḥalbûkî yanî li alîyê dî jî ʕeynî êvarê, rroja go me evna digot ʕeynî êvarê mêvanê me-yî fiłeh dihatin mala me, êzidî dihatin. |
Nevertheless, that is, on the other hand, the same evening, the day we were saying this, our Christian guests would come to our house, the Yezidis would come. |
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Turkey (Kurmanji)