K-034 Sabahiya, Syria
K-034 Sabahiya, Syria
1 | Ema em dikarin bêjin miletê/ miletê me-nî k’urd, yaʕnî mesela ʕadet û teqalidê me-nî k’urd, mantîqê, em k’urdê Sûrî gelek ʕadet û teqalidên me heni, ʕeşaîrtî di nav me de gelekî p’irr e. |
But we can say that we the Kurdish people, our Kurdish customs, in the region, we the Kurds of Syria have many customs, we have many traditions. | |
2 | Xwendewanê k’urdê sûrî baş heni. Te nas kir? |
There are somegood Kurdish students from Syria. Do you understand? | |
3 | Ji ʕadet û t’eqalidê me de em bi/ bi hevdû-r dijîn, yanî mal/ ne ḥer xort li alîkî ne. |
It is our tradition to live together, a young person does not go off on his own. | |
4 | Pîrek yaʕnî newʕan ma li me dikare bêje ḥeqê wê heye. |
The women, to some extent one can say, have their rights. | |
5 | Ne-ew/ ne-ew tiştê em dixwazin bes yanî ji miletê din baştir in. |
Not the way we would want but they have more rights than the women among other communities. | |
6 | Ev ʕadet û t’eqalidê me heni. ʕadet û t’eqalidê me merivantî gelekî heye. Merivantî nav me de heye. |
These are our customs. In our tradition, family is very important. Relatives are important to us. | |
7 | Xwarinê me heni. |
We have traditional dishes. | |
8 | Hinek xwarinê me-nî yê, dikare bêjê, ew-jî we dibêjin kont’olê me ne. Ew-jî xwarinê me hene. |
We have some dishes, you could say, they are like our “kontols”. We have those kind of dishes. | |
9 | ʕîda newrozê ew dibêjin wek/ dibêjin ʕîda wetenî a k’urda ye, dikare bêjê ew ʕîda qewmî ye ji k’urda re. |
Newroz is, as they say, the Kurdish national feast. You could say it is the national feast of the Kurds. | |
10 | Ji ber dibêjin, ew, gelek qiset hene. Di qisetê piçikê tê/ meʔqûl in tê gotin. |
Because they say, there are many stories. Some of the stories are more plausible. | |
11 | Mesela K’awa ḥeddad. |
The story of Kawa the blacksmith. | |
12 | Şahekî gelekî zalim hebû, K’awa ḥeddad wî kuşt. |
There was a very brutal king; Kawa the blacksmith killed him. | |
13 | Berî K’awa ḥeddad derk’evi wan bikuji go ez-ê herim, moʕîd pê-r danîbû li serê çîya. |
Before Kawa the blacksmith went out to kill him, he said “I will go.” He made an appointment with the king on the mountain. | |
14 | Ji wan re gotin go/ ji miletê xwe-r got go “ez-ê herim, hege we dît agir vêk’et, mi zor/ wî kuştîye, mi zora wî birîye, hege agir vênek’et, wî mi kuştîye, wî zora mi birîye. |
He said to his people, he said “I will go, if you see that the fire is lit, then I have killed him, I won; if the fire is not lit, he has killed me, he beat me.” | |
15 | Milet giştik li çîya zerîf in bendî agir bûn. |
The people are all assembled on the mountain, waiting for the fire. | |
16 | û fiʕlan/ êvarî agir vêk’et û ew şahê załim hat kuştin, ew mîrê hat kuştin ê załim. |
And actually in the evening, the fire was lit and the brutal king was killed, that prince was killed, the brutal one. | |
17 | Û waʕdê agir pê ket ji wê ç’aẋê de bû wek tûrasekî ji k’urda re û êvara ʕîda nîrozê agir vêdixin. |
And when the fire was lit, from that time on, it became like a tradition for the Kurds and in the evenings of Newroz feast they light fires. | |
18 | {weʕdê} agir vêdi/ divêdixin, roja din jî de iḥtîfalê pê dikin. |
They light fires, and the following day they celebrate. | |
19 | Yanî gelek kêfxweş-in, derdik’evin ji derve, ji xwe re dervî bajar ʕerdê, xwarina xwe bi xwe-r dibin. Te nas kir? |
They are very happy, they go out, they go outside the town, they take food with them. Do you understand? | |
20 | Wa-r jî k’omê k’urdî heni, k’omê k’urdî heni. |
They also have Kurdish bands, there are Kurdish bands. | |
21 | Ew k’omê k’urdî jî fuloklorê k’urdî diqedimînin, stranê qewmî dibêjin, û hinek nav wan mesreḥî hene, ew roja ʕîda newrozê ye. |
And those Kurdish bands perform Kurdish folk dances, they sing national songs, and some of them perform, that is the day of Newroz. | |
22 | Ji wê rojê de jî k’urd dibêjin hinno ev roja azadîya me yi. |
Since that day, the Kurds say, it is our day of freedom. | |
23 | Ji ber ewî bûye tarîxek gellekî giring di nav k’urda de. |
Because of this, it has become a very important day for the Kurds. | |
24 | Ti kari bêjî gelekî ziłm, yanî k’esî weke/ nizama beʕs gelek t’eʕde li k’urda kirîye. |
You can say there was a lot of torture, the Baath regime tortured the Kurds a lot. | |
25 | Yek jê-r dibêjin enfal, sed û ḥeştê ḥezar însan di vê ḥemlê de ç’ûn. |
One is called Anfal. One hundred and eighty thousand people were killed in this operation. | |
26 | Seddam ev nav lê kir, ji ayetek ji Qurʕanê dixûn. |
Saddam named it, after a verse in the Koran. | |
27 | Te nas kir, ayetek navê qurʕanê heye Enfal. |
You understand, there is a verse in the Koran called Anfal. | |
28 | Sed û ḥeştê ḥezar însan hatin winda kirin, tê-d kuştin. |
One hundred and eighty thousand people were exterminated, they were killed. | |
29 | Ḥelebçe hebû, helebça jî di cara yekemîn li K’urdîstana ʕêraqê di li bajarê ḥelebça di ẋaza xirdil istixdam kir, seddam istixdam kir. |
There was Halabja. In Halabja too, for the first time in Iraqi Kurdistan, in the city of Halabja he used mustard gas, Saddam used it. | |
30 | Di wê çaẋê de pênc hezar însan di cî di mirin. Bîst û pênc ḥezar însan birîndar bûn, dibêjin di ẋazîyê di. (…) |
At that time, five thousand people died immediately, twenty five thousand people were injured, as they say, due to the gas. | |
31 | Û jê pê ve dikari bêji belkî gi ḥeta anika (di)jîn esarîyatê wenî tiştê ê selbî cem wan asarê wan hîn jî li ser miletê ḥelebça hene. |
Apart from that, you could say even now, the impact continues, the impact is still with the people of Halabja. | |
32 | Ji ber ew ẋaza hanê gelekî p’îs bû yanî, ḥeta ḥeywan / ḥeta ḥeywan jî kuştin. Ḥeywan kuştin, dar kuştin, şînkayî li wê ment’îqê nehişt ji ber gellekî p’îs bû. |
Since that gas was very bad, it even killed animals. It killed animals, it killed trees, it did not leave any green in the region as it was so bad. |
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