K-038 Sersink, Iraq
K-038 Sersink, Iraq
1 | Wextê ez-ê kiçke-l qutabxanê bîm, hemî havîna ez da gel babê xo ç’ime şûlê. |
When I was small and I was at school, every summer I would go to work with my father. | |
2 | Babê mi k’arê lebxê tkir. |
My father worked in plastering. | |
3 | Havîna, hemî/ her dû/ sê heyvêt havînê, da spêdê gas kete min, da gel biç’im. |
In the summer, all three months of summer, he would call me in the morning, and I would go with him. | |
4 | Havînê-ş mirov da ma xo t’êr nivîtin, belê pa ew da rraketeve. |
In the summer I wanted to get plenty of sleep, but he would wake me up. | |
5 | Gelek caran da mi rraketin, xurtî min rraketin da min gel xo bete şûlê. |
He would often wake me up, he would do it by force to take me with him to work. | |
6 | Bo hindê bî bes da ez biç’im wêrê bo wan ç’ayê ç’êkem. |
That’s the only reason I went there and made tea for them. | |
7 | Gelek cara spêda kû gas kire min, mi xo-d nivand, mi-d xo kire yê nivistî, min/ ez rranedibîm. |
Often when he called me in the morning, I would pretend that I was asleep, I gave the impression that I was sleeping, I would not wake up. | |
8 | Da bêjte min “rrabe rrabe”, da xo ho keme yê nivistî bes da gas nekete mi. |
He would say to me “wake up wake up”, I would pretend that I was asleep, just so that he would not call to me. | |
9 | Ber ç’i? |
Why? | |
10 | Ç’inkû spêdeya, filim kartûn tatne derê t’ilevzonê. |
Because in the morning, there were cartoons on TV. | |
11 | Filim kartûnêd xûş bîn, krîmdayzer bîn ew bîn. |
They were nice cartoons, there were krîmdayzer and other similar ones. | |
12 | Îca gelek cara da xo nivînim, da hêtin gas kete min: “******* rrabe rrabe” |
So I would often pretend to be asleep, he would come and call out: “*******, wake up wake up.” | |
13 | Du sê cara da gas kete mi, da xo keme yê nivistî. |
He would call me several times, I would pretend to be asleep. | |
14 | Paş da îsʕac bîtin da bêjît “hinde rranabîtin ewe”, da ç’ît. |
Then he would get annoyed, he would say: “That’s it, he won’t wake up”, and he would leave. | |
15 | Bes hinde cara da hêt, ne, tzanî kû ez-ê/ min-ê xo nivandî, ez-ê nenivistîme. |
But sometimes he would come, no, he knew that I was pretending to be asleep, that I was not sleeping. | |
16 | Da rraketeve/ da mi rraket, xurtî da mi rraket. |
He would wake me up, he would force me to wake up. | |
17 | Wextê ez ç’ûm-jî gel wî, da bêjte mi “şûla te ewe tu dê bo me ç’ayê ç’êkey.” |
And when I went with them, he would say to me, “Your task is to prepare tea for us.” | |
18 | E-d ç’ûm mi dar xir vedkirin. |
I would go, I would collect wood. | |
19 | Ca nav/ ew/ em ç’ûyn/ wextê me xanî lebix tikir, pa axir heykelin, em da ç’în neccarî şûlê xo yê kirî, dar-êt k’eftîne ʕerdî, p’arçe darêt kiçke. |
When we were doing the plastering work, because there are wooden structures, we would see if the carpenter did his job, there was wood on the ground, small pieces of wood. | |
20 | Da ç’im p’arçe darêt kiçke xira xir vekem, înim danêm, ç’apestê ç’ay înim, ça-ş me hebî l-wêrê. |
I would collect all of the small pieces of wood, put them on the ground, bring the kettle, we had tea there. | |
21 | Semûn-îş me gel xû tînan spêdê me tk’irîn, gel teḥînê. |
We also had bread that we brought with us, that we would buy in the morning, together with tahina. | |
22 | Da ç’ayê bo wan ç’êkem. |
I would prepare tea for them. | |
23 | Da hête xarê seʕet deh, pa spêdê da ç’ît seʕet ḥeft me dest pê tkir bi şûlê, seʕet deh tivya me sertêştek xarba. |
He would come down at 10, since in the morning we would start work at 7, at 10 we needed to have an early lunch. | |
24 | Me digûtê sertêşt. |
We would call it “sertêşt”. | |
25 | Sertêştê da xûyn, ez da bo wan ç’ayê ç’êkem. |
We would have an early lunch, and I would prepare tea for them. | |
26 | Îca pa/ k’îskêt ç’îmentûy me-ddirrandin, kaẋezêt wan me îna me dane l-bin darê me agir ç’êdkir, dû/ dû ber-iş mi-ddane nik êk, min ç’apestê xû ser didana. |
Then we would tear apart the cement bags, we would put them beneath the wood and we would light a fire, I would also put two stones together and put the kettle on them. | |
27 | Da ç’ayê ç’êkem da bêjime wana werine xarê têşt-a ḥazir e. |
I would make the tea, I would tell them “Come down, breakfast is ready.” | |
28 | Gelek cara-j da bêjte min “were ligel min, hinde rremlê bo me bîne jor hinde ç’îmentûy bo me bîne jor.” |
And he would often say to me, “Come with me, bring some sand, bring some cement for us.” | |
29 | Da înim pîç pîçe, xo ez-ê kiçke bîm, da înim pîç pîçe înime jor danêm, ew da bêjte min “xudanê xanî bêt, dê bêjim “ewe yê bo me şûl kirî”, dê p’ara bo te wergirim.” |
I would bring it a bit at a time, because I was small, I would bring it a bit at a time and leave it up there, and he would say to me, “When the owner of the house comes, I will say to them “He has worked for us”, I will get you some money.” | |
30 | Îca gelek cara da p’ara welgirîtin, da bêjte “ewe ewrû te pênc dînar şûl kirin, ewrû te du dînar şûl kirin.” |
So he would often give me money, he would say, “Here, today you have earned five dinars, today you earned two dinars.” | |
31 | Min jî nik xo tinivîsî, mi digotê “eve ewrû pênc ewrû-j duyêd dî,” mi şimartin, bîye gelek bîye nexd (..), nêzîkî ṣed dînara, ṣed dînarê hingî-j gelek bî, ṣed dînar nêzîkî sê ṣed dûlara bî. |
And I would write it down, I would write, “Today is five, today is two,” I counted it up and found that it had become a lot of money, about three hundred dinars, and three hundred dinars back then was a lot, three hundred dinars was like one hundred dollars. | |
32 | Mi gotê bawa “ewe mi sê ṣed dînar xir vekirin, dê deye min?” |
I told him, “Dad, I have earned three hundred dinars, will you give it to me?” | |
33 | Gotî “ne, sê ṣed dînar zûr in nademe te. Bes te çi dvêt dê bo te k’irrim.” |
He said, “No, three hundred dinars is a lot, I won’t give it to you. But I will buy you whatever you want. | |
34 | Mi gotê “p’aysîklekê bo mi kirre” |
I said, “Buy me a bicycle.” | |
35 | Wiła p’aysîkil bo mi k’irrî. |
By God he bought me a bicycle. | |
36 | P’aysîkil niza bi sî û pênc dînara bî, ew bî mi kirrî. |
The bicycle, I don’t know, cost thirty-five dinars or so, and he bought it for me. | |
37 | Îca ew seʕbeta mi bî spêdeya, wextê da gas kete min mi xo-dnivand da ser/ nedç’ûm, nedç’ûm gel wî bû şûlê, çikû mi ḥes dkir mał mabam we mi seḥ dkire tilevzûnê w gel bradera mabameve. |
So this was my story about the mornings, when he would call me and I would pretend to be asleep on/, I would not go, I would not go with him to work, because I wanted to stay at home, and I watched TV and stayed with friends. |
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