K-039 Sersink, Iraq
K-039 Sersink, Iraq
1 | Ez xelkê gundê Eredina me. ʕeşîreta min Mizîrî ye. Eredina dbîte dû beş, Eredina jêrî-w ya jorî. |
I’m from the village of Eredina. My tribe is Mizîrî. Eredina consists of two parts, the Lower Eredina and the Upper one. Christian and Muslims both live there, together. | |
2 | Fełe-w bisirman her dû tê da dijîn, pêkve. Du diyanet in, bisirman in û fełe ne. |
There are two religions, the Muslims and the Christians. | |
3 | Eredina gundekî gelekî xwuş e, çiya-yên lê, dar û bar-ên lê. Ee, ava wê gelek ya boş e, ya mişe ye. Xelik hemî dê çîte seyranan, sefraan. |
Eredina is a very nice village, with its mountains and its forests. Its water is abundant and plentiful. All the people go on picnics and trips. | |
4 | Darên wê ş/ darên çûlî pê tên, berrî ne, çilî ne, eve ne, sêv in yaʕnî, yêt heyn bîsstan û zevî û evene. Xelik bo xo diketin. |
Its trees are wild trees, there are oak trees, bushes and such, there are apples, there are all these, vegetable gardens and farmlands and such. People cultivate those for themselves. | |
5 | Xelkê gundî hindek idçine wêrê, hindek jî naçin yeʕnî hindeka bîstanêd lê heyn, çil lê çediken û dirist diken. |
Some people stay in the village, and some don’t, so some of the orchards have bushes, they are well kept. | |
6 | Bes pa aẋleba wan ne, li Dihokê dijîn, Sersinkê dijîn. Seredana gundî diken, bes bo wextê xwoşî borandinê. |
But most of their owners, they prefer to live in Duhok and Sersink. They visit the village only during their holiday. | |
7 | O eve ye. Gundekî gelekî boş e, gelek mał in, dû ʕeşîretid bisirmana jî tê da dijîn. Mizîrî-yêd heyn, Berwarî-yêd heyn, her ji ʕeşîretêd bisirmana. |
And this is it, it’s a very crowded village, there are many houses, two Muslim tribes live in it, the Miziris and the Berwaris, both are Muslim tribes. | |
8 | Şi ewan jî, şi bisirmana jî çar îcax Mizîrî ne, yaʕnî heşt îcaẋ in, û çar îcaẋ jî Berwarî ne. |
Out of those, four families are Miziri, so there are eight families, and the others are Berwari. | |
9 | O gundekî gelekî boş e, bes pa fełe-w bisirman yeʕnî îxtêvata wan gelek gelêk ya baş e. |
And it’s a very flourished village, but then the Christians and Muslims, their cohesion together is very good. | |
10 | Nabêjin eve fełe ye, nabêjin eve bisirman e, têkeliyeka baş-il gel yêk û dû diken. |
They don’t say this is a Christian and this is a Muslim, they have a good relationship. | |
11 | Yaʕnî wekî xîşk û birayên êk gelêk-da dijîn, xoşî-w nexoşîyêd êk û dû yêd nav êk da. E, eve ye. |
That is, they live like sisters and brothers. They are together during good and bad times. It’s like that. | |
12 | Dêreka binavûdeng ya li Eredina, e pazdey heyva pênc şanedêra Eredina ye. |
There’s a famous monastery in Eredina, the fifteenth of May is the day of pilgrimage. | |
13 | Xelik hemî thêtin, ji hemî dewleta, wekî tiştekî miqedes e, dibêjinê “Siltan Mûrad”, ee pazdey heyva pênc Xwedê ḥes ket şanedêra wê ye. |
The people come from all countries, it’s like a sacred thing [event], they call it “Sultan Murad”, God willing the fifteenth of the fifth month it is the day of pilgrimage. | |
14 | Xelik şi ji Emrîka têtin, şi Awistralya têtin, ji hemî dewletêd ʕalemî têtin, bo dîtna vê şanederê. Çinkî gelek gelek ya binavûdeng e. |
Many people come from America, from Australia, they come from all the countries in the world, in order to see this monastery, because it is very famous. | |
15 | Û bisirman û fełe hemî pêkve-d çine wê derkê. Peza vedkujin, ʕezîma didanin, mêhvandariyê diken, pêşwaziya xelkê hemîyî diken. |
And Muslims and Christians go together to that place and slaughter animals for food and feast upon them, they invite each other and offer it to all the people. | |
16 | Hemî pêkve yaʕnî nabêjin bes ya feła bitinê ye, ne. |
They are all together, so they don’t say this is just for Christians, no. | |
17 | Bisirman û fełe hemî pêkve ev vê çendê diken. Xoşî-w nexoşîyêd xo pêkve idken, bibûrîne. |
Muslims and Christians do all this together. They spend the good times and bad times together. There you go. |
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