K-071 Kızıltepe, Turkey
K-071 Kızıltepe, Turkey
1 | ***** bira em ê niha jî ji xwe ra soḥbetekê bikin, kerem ke em guhdariya te dikin. |
Brother ***** we will now have a chat together, go ahead we are listening to you. | |
2 | Mamoste berî ez werim universîte, e-l Îstembûl bûm. E-l Îstambûl bûm ez li/, mala me giş hatin gund. |
Sir, before I came to the university, I was in Istanbul. I was in Istanbul, my whole family came to the village. | |
3 | Îja ez tenê li Îstembûl mam. |
Then I stayed on my own in Istanbul. | |
4 | E-jî mecbûr mam ez çûm yûrdekî, e-çûm yûrdekî, başqanê ê ê wê yûrdê, were em ji xwe-r rûniştibûn, me yanî em heval pirr bûn. |
So I had to go to a student dormitory, I went to a dormitory, and the head of that dormitory, once we were sitting together, there were many of us as friends. | |
5 | Em ji xwe-r dipeyivîn, îja rokê go, “ez-ê ji we-r, ev bê televîzyon çawa însana degiş dike, ez-ê b/ ez-ê wê meʕnê ji we re bêjim.” |
We were speaking to each other, and one day he said, “I will tell you how the television changes people, I will tell you what it means.” | |
6 | Yanî ew bê çawa însana degiş dike, bê mere çawa bi televizyonê bawer nebe, însana çawa yanî tiştekî ne werrê, bê çawa yanî gor xwe {ji mer} ʕeyar dikin û dîtinin ber / ber çavê me. |
That is how it changes people, how the people should not believe in television, how they arrange something that is not according to what they want and put it in front of our eyes. | |
7 | Go li/ li bajarekî, go du ḥeb/ keçikik û lawikik hebû, go ji hevdu ḥez dikirin. Ji hevdû ḥez dikirin, go/ go lawik feqîr bû. |
He said in a city there was a girl and a boy, he said they liked each other. They liked each other, but the boy was poor. | |
8 | Lawik feqîr bû go/ got go, îja lawik feqîr e û keçik dibê gerek tu wer mi bavê mi bixwezî. |
The boy was poor, the boy is poor and the girl says you should come and ask for my hand from my father. | |
9 | Yanî pir em/ em, yoqsa wê mi bidi yekî din. Go viya dibê ez feqîr im, hewqa dûrima mi tune ez wer te bixwazim, ez/ |
That is, otherwise they will give me to someone else. He said the boy says I am poor, I do not have the economic conditions to come and ask for your hand from your father. I/ | |
10 | dibê tu çawa diki biki. |
you should do it in one way or another. | |
11 | Hema vana diherin cem zêrcîyekî, hingulîskek her-kê ji xwe-r dikirrin, dixin destê xwe. |
The two go to a jewellery shop, and each one buys a ring and wears it on their finger. | |
12 | Her du jî pirr ji hevdû ḥez dikin. Dixe destê xwe, her du bi hevdû re sozê didin. |
Both of them like each other a lot. They wear the rings and make a promise to each other. | |
13 | Dibê ev hungilîsk wexta kîjan carê ji destê, gerek hîç, yanî qetiyen ji destê de dernekeve ev hungilîsk. |
They say this ring should never come off the hands. | |
14 | Her du werrê sozê didin hev û/ û viya diherre bajarekî dûr, memleketî dûr. |
Both promise to each other and the boy goes to a far away city, a far away country. | |
15 | Diherre go sal, du sal, sê sal, çar sal, pênc sal dimîne û telgraf ji xwe-r dişîne, go dibê ez-ê filan rojê werim, bo filan/ filan rojê, filan bapûrê ez-ê werim, tê/ li/ li ew kêleka denizê tê tê tê li benda mi bi. |
He goes, it is said, he stays for one year, two years, three years, four years, five years and sends a telegraph, saying that “I will come on this day, with this boat, you will wait for me on the side of the sea.” | |
16 | Go ew wext tê, go keçik dihere li ber kêleka denizê benda bapûra bê, ew-ê were. Go ji dûr de vapûra lawik xwanî bû. |
He said that time arrived, the girl goes to the side of the sea waiting for the boat, and he will come. From far away the boy’s boat becomes visible. | |
17 | Go hat, go lawik jî hatiye ber devê çîkê sevgîliya xwe bibîne, ew-ê jê-r destê xwe raki. |
He said, it arrived, and the boy has come to the side of the thing so that he can see his beloved one, he will wave to her. | |
18 | Go hevdû dibînin destê xwe jê-r radike, go keçik jî te dît ew li kêleka beḥrê, ew çîk henin, ḥesin henin ji boy însan nekevin. |
He said, they see each other and wave, and the girl, you know there are those iron fences on the side of the sea so that the people don’t fall in. | |
19 | Keçikê destê xwe awa dawiyê, keçikê wexta destê xwe radike, hingulîsik ew wa di kelemekî ra dibe, di kelemekî ra bû. |
When the girl raised her hand, the ring got stuck to a thorn, to a thorn. | |
20 | Destê xwe çawa radike, higulîsik derdikeve, dikeve ʕerdê dikeve denizê, dikeve beḥrê. Keçik/ lawik hat, hewqa soz hevdû-r danin, ev pêc sal hungilîsk destê xwe dernexistiye, lawik îro hatiye, roja hatiye hugilîska wê ketiye hundirê beḥrê. |
As she raises her hand, the ring comes off, it falls into the sea. The girl/ the boy arrived, they had promised so much to each other, they have not taken off the rings for five years from their hands, the boy has arrived today, but the day he arrived her ring has fallen into the sea. | |
21 | Ew-ê çawa bike keçik hat keçik destê xw rêyê wî nadi. |
What should she do, the girl came to him, but the girl didn’t show her hand to him. | |
22 | Yanî xwe dixe her her her şiklî, meqsed nebê ka hungulîska te. Îja go em hatin, go lêwik gotiye em birçî nin. |
That is, she moves herself into every shape, so that he doesn’t ask her “where is your ring?” He said, “we have come,” and the boy said, “we are hungry.” | |
23 | Li kêleka beḥrê jî, ew meḥsî çêdikin. Meḥsî çêdikin, go diherin, go dibê em-ê herrin meḥsî bixwin. |
On the seaside they cook fish, so they go, and he says, “We will eat fish.” | |
24 | Go diher her du ser masê rûdinin, go keçik dibê ez-ê meḥsî bixwim. Go lawik jî dibê ez-ê meḥsî bixwim. |
He says, they go and both sit at the table, the girl says, “I will eat fish.” He says, the boy also says, “I will eat fish.” | |
25 | Go garson meḥsiyê ji wa-r tîni. Go keçik kêra xwe li meḥsî dixe, ew meḥsî, îja go ew, îja pirs ji me kir: |
He says, the waiter brings fish for them. He says, the girl sticks her knife into the fish, that fish, then he said, he asked us: | |
26 | Go/ go gor we yanî, ew-ê di hundirê meḥsî de çi derkeve? Me gişa go hungulîsk derkeve. |
He said, what do you think will come from inside the fish?” We all said “the ring will come out”. | |
27 | Te dî kêleka denizê digrin tînin ya, îşte îja başqanê me jî go, go îşte televizyon jî wa ye. |
You know they catch it at the side of the sea. So our principal said, that is what television is like. | |
28 | Go we gişî odaqlamîşî ser tiştekî dike, û go gişî ew çîka, yanî ew, go çawa, go îja go hûn giş wek li benda “wê hingulîk di hundurê maʕsî derkeve”, go wê çaẋê go ne ew e. |
He said, it makes you all focus on one thing, and said, so you all wait for “the ring coming out from inside the fish”, then he said no it is not so. | |
29 | Go çîk derde, go qulçik derdikeve hundirê maʕsî de. |
He said the thing comes out, the fish bone from inside the fish. | |
30 | Êdî îja werrê em pir ew çîka ji me-r go, em jî wa, wa e-jî pir di qafê mi-d ma. Xwedê îja em, mektev vabû, ez ket YGSê, sinava YGSê. Û ez hatim Artuqlu Universîtesî. |
So he said this thing to us, and it remained in my mind. By God then the school was opened, I passed the University Entrance Exam (YGS). I came to the Artuklu University. | |
31 | Tarîh, erê e tarîh dixwînim û ev sê salê mi e-l vê derê mi. |
History, yes, I study history and I have been here for three years. | |
32 | Normalde, e-j, ji, e-j Qiziltepe mi, berê em, me digo Qiziltepe aniha em jê-r dibên Qoser. |
Normally I am from Kiziltepe, before we would call it “Qiziltepe”, now we call it “Qoser”. | |
33 | Ee, em li Qiziltepe bûn. Xwedê û normalde mala me li gund rûdinê û carna meha yanî zivistanî mala me-l gund in, û dibe havîn mala me giş diherin Îstembol. |
We were in Kiziltepe. Normally our house is in the village and sometimes during winter my family are in the village and in summer the whole family goes to Istanbul. | |
34 | Û bavê mi saẋ i, ca mi jî saẋ i. Xweyê mi, keçkê xweyê mi giş, yanî xweyê mi giş zewicî ne. |
My father is alive, my mother is alive. My sisters are all married. | |
35 | Û e-jî ji xwe-r li vira mi, mi jî xaniyek mi girtiye, ez û hevalê xwe em lê dimînin. Li gund bela ḥebkî dûr e, ḥebkî zeḥmet bû çûn û hatina wê. Xwedê werrê ye, mamoste ev yanî. |
And I am here, I have rented a house, I live there with my friends. Since the village is a bit far away, it was a bit difficult to commute to there. By God that’s how it is master. | |
36 | Te mekteb li kû xwendbû? |
Where did you study? | |
37 | Mekteb, min lîse li Qiziltepe Lîsesî xwend û mi Îlkoqul li Îstesyonê, Gazî Îlkoretim oqûlû heye, mi sê sa/ mi sê sala li wira xwend. Wek li ʕeskeriyê bûm, mamoste. |
School, I studied at Kiziltepe high school and the primary in Istasyon, The Gazi primary school, I studied there for three years. It was like I was in military service, master. | |
38 | Xwedê carna rojê, carna e duşemê, mi berê xwe dida wê wê mekteba, min digo xwe ez diherim ceḥnimê. |
By God sometimes on Mondays when I would head to that school, I would feel as if I was going into hell. | |
39 | Çunkî şeş ro, tê ḥeftakê li wê derê bi û ne tu ca xwe dibîne, ne tu bavê xwe dibîne û ne tu hevalê xwe dibîne. Ne ew oyinê, ew lîs/ ew ew oyinê ê te-l gund dilîst tu wan, tu wan nalîze. |
Because you are going to be there for six days, for a week there, you won’t see your mother, your father or your friends. Nor play those games, those games that you were playing in the village. | |
40 | Yanî ḥebkî zor diwî, carna bi şev ez diketim nav ciyê xwe, ez digiriyam. Bi şeref, bi Xwedê. |
That is it was a bit difficult, sometimes I would go into my bed, I would cry. By honour, by God. | |
41 | Bîranînê te hene (…)? |
Do you have memories (…)? | |
42 | Bi Xwedê li mektebê, heye, hevalê mi, rokê nöbetçî bû, ê yêmekxanê. Wexta berî xwarinê ḥazir dikin, îja her ji sinifekê du ḥeb örencî dihere yêmekxanê. |
By God at school, one friend of mine was on duty, for the cafeteria. Before they prepare the meal, from each class there are two students who go to the cafeteria. | |
43 | Ser masa paqij dikin, ʕerdê paqij dikin. Zi bo yanî nan, xwarinê bela dikin. Ê mi jî, havalê mi wê rojê nöbetçî bû, te dî ew dîwar heye ya, tu hundur dişo ew ava hundur ji bo derxe, ew qulekik heye. Îja a di wir de wê r/ wê rojê jî purtuqal bû û ev tulumba tatlisî hebû. |
They clean the tops of the tables, the ground. They serve the meal. That day my friend was on duty, there is a wall, there is a hole in it so when you wash inside the water will drain outside. Then that day there were oranges and dessert. | |
44 | Ew purtuqal û tulumba tatlisî hebû. Îja havalê mi purtuqal di wê qulika de di avê ji me-r gindir dikir, me jî dihat derdixist, me dixist poşetê xwe û me dibir yataxane, yataxanê ji xwe-r dixwar. |
There were oranges and dessert. My friend rolled oranges for us through that hole, and we came and took them, we put them into bags and took to the dormitory, and we ate them there in the dormitory. | |
45 | Rokê çima meʕlimê me pê neḥisiya. Em werre ji xwe-r em, em, em dimeșiyan hema mi dî hat, hat qarșiya me tê, me go qey niha wê normalde me-r bipeyive. Û hat ber mi toqatek mi kir. |
One day our teacher became aware of it. We were walking, we saw that he was coming from across, we thought he would speak to us as normal. He came in front of me and slammed me. | |
46 | Go çima te/ çima hûn diziyê dikin? Me faʕm nedkir, me çi zanîbû. Xwedê aniyak mi werrê hebû û wekî din, yanî mamoste ew (..). |
He said, “why do you steal things?” We did not know, how could we know. By God I had such a memory, and master that is it. | |
47 | Baș e, piçûkayi çi tê bîra te? Lîstik û em bêjin.. |
Good, what do you remember from childhood? Games and let’s say… | |
48 | Mesele, biçûkanî oyna, yanî oyna a me pirr dilîst, me jê-r digo “șilî”. Șilê, me textikekî paʕn a wa dirêș, wa hema ḥeftê ḥeștê sentîm dirêș, me darikekî wa qalind me datanî ser, me du kevir datanîn ʕerdê û me ew, me ew darikê zirav me datanî ser ê paʕn û me lê dixist. |
For instance, in childhood the game, the game we would play often was “shili”. In “shile”, the was a large and long plank of wood, about 70-80 cm, we would put a stick on top of it, we would place two stones on the ground and we would put that thin stick on the wide plank and we would hit it. | |
49 | Me dûr bibra, îja ê dinê wan davêt li wan her du kevira xistana, me cî degiș dikir. Îja em diketin șûna wan, û ew diketin șûna me. |
If we would take it far away, the the others would throw to try and hit those two stones, we would swap places. Then we would replace them, and they would come to our place. |
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Turkey (Kurmanji)