K-078 Şemdinli, Turkey
K-078 Şemdinli, Turkey
1 | Mamosta, ez dê ew şew bû te beḥsî ḥekayêta me kem ya gundi, ya gundê me pêş da çawan bû, dîroka wê çawan bû, ez ḥes kem bû te pîçek beḥsî wê bikem. |
Sir, tonight I will tell you the story of our village, about what our village used to be like, about its history, I want to tell you a bit about that. | |
2 | Hindî bîra min, a, hindî bîra min, ez dê beḥsî wê kem. Yanî em teqrîben heta ḥawt baba em-ê-d wi gundey da bî. Yanî bapîrêd me jî wê-d wi gundey bîy. Hatta demekê bapîrê me Seyîdxan Beg mîratî wê-l kiri. |
As far as I remember, yes, as far as I remember, I will tell you about it. We have been living in this village for up to about seven generations. That is, our grandfathers were also in this village. It is even the case that our grandfather Seydikhan Beg was ruling here. | |
3 | Mîratî wê li Şemzîna kiri heta dewrekê li Şemzîna bû, yanî Şêxanê bû, dewrekê li Nehriyê bû. Ee, ewene em zanîn. Heta îşte bapîrê me, yanî bapîrêd xû min nedîtine. Ez mesela kiçketî bêjim, gundê me yanî yê tête bîra min, wextê hêșta em-il gundê berê/ |
He was ruling in Shemzinan, and he would live for a time in Shemzinan, in Shekhan, and another time in Nehri. These are the things that we know. I haven’t seen my grandfather, I mean, my grandfathers. Let me tell you about my childhood, our village, I remember, when we were still in the previous village/ | |
4 | Navê gundê te çî ye? |
What is the name of your village? | |
5 | Șêxan e, wextê em-il Șêxanê pênc malêd/ deh malêd me hebün. Pênc yêd mamêd me bûn. Ee penc-șeș malêd seyîda-ș hebûn, gel du malêd hindek dî hebûn, ʕeslê xû li Erzirûm hatibîn, ew jî bibîne xizmêd me di nav gundi da bûn. |
Shekhan, when we were in Shekhan, we had five / ten households. Five were our uncles’ households. There were also five to six houses of seyyids, with two other houses belonging to some others, who had originally come from Erzurum and become our relatives, living in the village. | |
6 | Ee jiyanekê zor xoj bû, yanî ew ku em bêjîn ewekêt berê, kültura berê, eweka berê, jiyana berê. Em piçük bîn yanî, siḥbetêd zûr xûş me-d kirin. Kurkek seyît hebû, taze ridîna wi hatibû, em-il ser rübari bûyn, hat, bezî hat da ridîna xû nîşa me bidet, yanî ku yek-du mûyêd ridîna wi derketibûn. |
It was a very pleasant life, that is, the old things, the old culture, the old thing, the old life. We were young, we were all having a nice time together. There was a boy from the seyyid families, he had just started to grow a beard, we were on the river bank, he came running to show us the few strands of hair, meaning that he had grown some strands of hair. | |
7 | Em jî ciya wi pê keywxoş bîn, yanî me digot kanê tiştek çitû ye, idî em-êd mezin bîn, ridîna me dê derkewîtin. Tiştêd zûr zûr uwane bûn. Zûr xoş bîn, yanî em zor pê keywxoş dibîn. |
And we were happy for him, we were asking ourselves how it should be, that we have grown up, we will grow a beard. There were many things like this. They were very nice, we would become very pleased. | |
8 | Ee, em rûjê mesela diçûyne, ciyek me hebû, me digotê “ûncê bingiri”. Em çûne liwê, me xo-l awê dida, hinde ca me masî digirtin, me derêdxistin, me ewek-id kirin ew masî, me dixarin, zûr yanî bi keywxoşî bû. |
During the day we would go to, we had a place, called “Unce Bingiri” (“The grass under the hill”). We would go there and swim, sometimes we would catch fish, we would take them out, we would eat those fish, it was enjoyable. | |
9 | Ee milkek dî hebû rex milkê me em çûyne liwê, me hindek tiştêd wani baxçeyî me-d dizîn, me ewek-id kirin paş ew tihat, berda me, em-id ḥelatîn. Yanî tiştêd zûr zûr xûj bîn. Heta hezar û nehsed û ḥeştê-w çarê em-il gundê berê bûn. |
There was another field near our field, we would go there, we would steal some things from their garden, we would do this and he would come and chase us, and we would run away. They were very, very pleasant times. We were in the old village until 1984. | |
10 | Anî jiyanek zûr xûș têkel hebû, gundekê qerebalix bû, bûş bû. Em bêjîn yanî deverê, yanî ku ciyê mintîqa gundê me zûr pêşnaw bû, ewek bû. Mesela mamêd me jî, pêşkewtiyî bûn, he hingî da jî, li ser jiyanê, ser ewekê yanî, wekû örnekekî bîn, wekû mînakekî bûn. |
It was a very pleasant and varied life, it was a crowded and abundant village. We could say in the region, that is in the region of our village it was well-known. For instance our uncles were advanced, even back then, in life, in like/ that is, they were examplary. | |
11 | Ee, hezar û nehsed û ḥeştê-w çarê gundê me, rûjekê em rabînewe goti dê gundi betal ken, ʕesker dê hêne têre da. Bo me tiştekê zor zor ewek bû yanî, em zor pê xem bîn. Goti dê gundi derkevin ʕesker dê hête têre da, tabüra lêre çêkeyn, biçük, jinik, em hemi-d giryan. Zelam zor têkel bûn mişawiş bûn, em dê çi keyn, em dê kê ve çîn. Dê şito gundê xû hêlîn. |
In 1984 in our village, one morning we woke up and they said we had to empty the village, the soldiers will be coming here. For us, it was very very upsetting. They said you will leave the village and the military will come here, we will build military bases here, children and women we were all crying. The men were very depressed, surprised, what are we going to do, where are we going to go. How are we going to leave our village behind. | |
12 | Zor zor, ee ewek kirin yanî ḥes nekirin gundi da derkevin belê bo wi zemani hûto bî, yanî ʕeskeriye heke tiştek gotiba kes nedşa ee çi tiştêd dî biketin. Ee, ḥeta qewlek dan goti heta deh roj dî debî gundi betal ken, herkesek derkewîtin, he wekû bîye tazîyekê di gundi da, bîye nexweşîyekê mezin. |
They very much did not want to leave the village, but that was how it was back then, that is if the military said something no one could do anything else. They gave a notice of ten days, saying evacuate the village within ten days, everyone should leave, it turned into mourning in the village, it became a big despair. | |
13 | Ee, rabîn gund ee betal kirin, derketin, hêşta hûto xanî hemi man, yanî derkewtinekî zor zor pi-xem bû, hemi-d giriyan, ewek bûn. Pêş wê hingî da, ez ḥes kem tiştek dî bêjim, ez çi ca wihê bîr nakem, çünkü me zor keyw gundê xû dihat. |
They evacuated the village, left it behind, the houses remained as they were, leaving was very sad, everyone was crying. Before coming to that, I want to tell you about something else, I will never forget this, since we liked our village very much. | |
14 | Gundê me-l nüzik şehri bû, wextê ceyran hatiye şehri, gotin ceyran dê bo, ʕewilî bo gundê hingo hêtin. Yanî gundê me pê-ra diçûn. Êê-l Şemzîna mesela gundê me wê-we êdî xir gundêd dî bûn, ʕewilî ceyran bo me hat. |
Our village was near the city centre, when the electricity came to the city, they said the electricity will come first to your village. That is they started from our village onward. In Shemzinan from our village onward, all the other villages were there, and electricity came to us first. | |
15 | Ceyran bo gundi girê dan, bo hemû mala, heta hatiye mala me bîye meẋreb, gotin wiła em ceyranê girê nadeyn em dê çîn sibehê hêyn, em piçük bîn yanî ez çar pênc salî bîm, ema xoş tête bîra min, em hemi pi-xem ketîn, em giryan. |
They connected electricity to the village, to each house, by the time it reached our house it was the evening, they said we will not connect the electricity, we will leave and come back tomorrow, we were small, that is I was four or five years old, but I remember well, we were all upset, we cried. | |
16 | Me got bo çi bo me ceyranê çênaken, bo hemiya çêkirin. Hêşta ceyran jî nedabünê da, hema tiştêt wê-d girê-d dan, îşte prîz ampül tişt girê-d dan ema ceyran nedabünê da. Em zor xem bûyn, ewêd ku ceyran înan hatine nik me, tişt dane me keyfa me xûş kirin, goti, em dê sibe hêyn ceyrana hingo çêkeyn. |
We said why don’t they make our electricity, while they made it for everyone. They had not yet switched the electricity on, they had merely connected the tools, that is they had put the plugs and lamps on but had not switched the electricity on. We were very sad, those who were bringing the electricity came to us, they gave us things, they made us happy, they said we will come tomorrow and make your electricity. | |
17 | Ez wê çi cara bîr nakem. Heta roja paştir hatin jî ceyrana me çêkirin. Yanî tam me gût êdî dê-b keywxûşî bîtin, em rabîn gundi da derketîn. Li wê-wey gundi hinde dî milketa me hebû, gundî rabîn çûne li-wê, pê dara, pê çulü çadir çêkirin. |
I will never forget that. By the following day they came and connected our electricity. Just as we were saying that things will now become pleasant, we had to leave the village. Further away from the village we had some other fields, the villagers went there, they built huts out of wood and bush. | |
18 | Em bêjin çardaq bû ku bişên tê-da bimînin, herêkê rexê xû ra çadir çêkirin piçükêd xû birne tê-da, li-wê manewe heta-l rexê dîke bi xo xanî çêkiri. Îca, taxê jêri-w taxê seri hebü. Yanî, nûke jî yê dibêjin taxeserî taxejêri hebûn. |
These were huts built to stay in, each person built tents for themselves and took their children in, they stayed in there until they built houses for themselves on the other side. So there was the lower neighborhood and the upper neighborhood. Even now they continue saying the lower neighborhood and the upper neighborhood. | |
19 | Taxê seri dest pê kirin xanî çêkirin, taxê jêri jî xanî çêkirin. Hawîn bû, me hingî pez hebî, yêd me mamêd me wan hemiya pezêd xû firotibîn, yêd dîke hebîn kêm, mesela bizin tişti miştêt hûtû hebîn. Em çûyne wari. |
The upper neighborhood started to build houses, the lower neighborhood also built houses. It was summer, we had sheep then, all our uncles had sold their sheep, the others only had a few, for instance they had goats and such things. We went to the highlands. | |
20 | Em wê salê çûyne wari, em hatînewe îdî em nehatîne gundi. Wextê em-il wari, wê salê babê mi çû ḥecê, li ḥecê hatewe bo me-l Şemzîna xanyek kirîbî. Em wextê wari hatyewe em êkrast hatîne Şemzîna îdî em neçûyne gundi. |
That year we went to the highlands, on our way back we didn’t go to the village anymore. When we were in the highlands, my father went on a pilgrimage [hajj], and on his way back from the pilgrimage, he had bought us a house in Shemzinan. When we came back from the highlands, we went straight to Shemzinan, we didn’t go back to the village anymore. | |
21 | Yanî milkyeta me, tiştê me hebû gundi, belê em neçûyn. Gundê kewin jî zaten ʕeskeriyê dest pê kir îdî înşaat çêdkirin, kes neçû li-wê yanî ew dar û bar, em bêjîn baxçe-w fêqî wu güz û kurustik û sêv ewene xir çûn. |
We had fields in the village, we had belongings in the village, but we didn’t go there. As for the old village, the soldiers started to build constructions, nobody went there, all those trees, all those gardens and fruits and walnuts and pears and apples, all of them were lost. | |
22 | Ho bü wekî mi goti mamosta yanî rojêd xûş hebûn yêd nexûş hebîn. Tiştêd xûş me derbas kirin. |
It was like this, as I have said, master, that is there were pleasant and unpleasant days. We experienced nice things. | |
23 | Ez hez dikem baḥsê ḥekayetekê bikem, rojekê em be pezi bîn, êca ber cemeʕetê ku da neriḥet nebîtin ez ewek nakem yanî, a. Em be pezi bün, rojekê em be pezi bîn, îca em nik pezi bîn pêrrû jî, yanî em bêjîn cûnega-w tiştêt hûtû, çêl, gûlik ewene jî cidayî bîn, ciyek dî bîn. |
I want to tell you a story, one day we were taking care of the sheep, – I don’t do this so that the people won’t bother, right. – We were taking care of the sheep, one day we were taking care of the sheep, as for the cattle, that is cows, calves, these were separate, in another place. | |
24 | Bîye denge-deng heła-heła, ez û ***** büyn, em bezîn, em çûyn ku gurgi gûlikekê girti wê-d betin. A, îca he wextê em çûn em bezîn, me lê kire fîte-fît hela-hela, ewek em hûtû çûyn. Rastî ez bezîm yanî min fukrêt hûtû nekir yanî be ez çûme gurgi, ḥisab ke. |
A noise and crowd broke out, it was me and *****, we ran, we arrived to see that the wolf had caught a calf and was taking it away. When we went there we ran, we whistled at it and made noise, so went just like that. In truth, I did not think such things as I was going to a wolf, imagine. | |
25 | Weła me lê heła-heła kir, min da be dara ewek bû, gûlik-id dewi da bû, gûlik berda, çi çarê wi nema, tişta ʕecayîbî jî ewe bû, çêl, cûnega jî hemiya halîkariya gûliki dikir, ku da ewek ken yanî min gûlik naw dewa îna derê, a mi ji dewi derêxist, ewi ḥewka wi girtibû ḥemi birîndar kiribû, şûna didanêd wi bîn. |
By God we made a lot of noise at it, I waved sticks at it, it was like, the calf was in its mouth, it left the calf, it didn’t have any other options, what was astonishing was that all the cows and oxen were helping the calf, so that they do like, that is I took the calf out of its mouth, yes, I took it out of its mouth, it had caught it by its neck, it had injured it, there were all traces of its teeth. | |
26 | Wextê min gûlik înayewe ew çêlene hemiya hatin ew cûne/ ew cûnega-w gûlik ewek-id kirin, yanî pê dewê xû eweku dibêjin keywxweşî bo ewek-id kirin, yanî ku wê hatiyewe. A [teselî] dikirin. ***** gûte min kurû tu çitû hutû tu bezî tu çûy çûye gurgi? Mi gûtê wiłahî ez, mi gût hema da ez gûliki naw desti da derêxim. |
When I took the calf back these cows all came they were doing this thing at this calf, like with their mouths they were showing their happiness at its return. Yes, they were consoling it. ***** told me boy how did you go like that running to the wolf? I said by God just like that, I said so that I can take the calf out of its mouth. | |
27 | Tu çend salî büy? |
How old were you? | |
28 | Ez, em bêjîn, deh dazde salî bîm ez. Yanî bo hingî, ez nûke dibêjim belkî ez cesaret nekem, yanî newêrim biçim. Ema bo hingî min nûke jî ez nizanim yanî ez çito çûm. Ema ez çi ca bîr nakem. Ew jî fukrek hûtû bû. |
I, let’s say, I was ten to twelve years old. So for that time, now I think I wouldn’t dare to go [at the wolf]. But back then, I still don’t know how I was able to go. But I’ll never forget it. This was also that kind of idea. | |
29 | Dîsa rojek dî, em-il mal da bûyn, êê hindek dewar hebûn, bîye hewar-hewara dawara, qîja wan. Em çûyn, ew jî cifta xû rêk-û-rêk feng ho/ gule howête-d be da, em çûyn, em nüzük bîn, hindî-l teqe kir, nepeqî, a. Neyse hela-helayê gurig ḥelatin. Mi jî gûtê baş e te bû ew feng nehowêtinê, bû ewek nebû? |
Again on another day, we were at home, there were some horses, a loud noise came from the horses, their screams. We went, and on the way he was loading his rifle, he was putting bullets into it, we went, we got near, no matter how much he fired, it didn’t work. Anyhow, with that noise the wolves ran away. And I said why did not you fire at them, why did not it become like that? | |
30 | Kurû goti wiła nepeq xû, feng vekir, gule xelet hawêtbiye be da, yanî debî yê danzdeyî kiriba be da, şazdeyî kirbiye-d be da. Heger gurg hatbane me jî, da xû li me den, çünkü fenga me nedipeqî. |
He said by God it did not fire, he opened the rifle (to see that) he had put the wrong bullet in it, that is he should have put a “twelve” size bullet while he had actually put a “sixteen”size. If the wolves had come to us, they would leap on us, since our rifle would not fire. | |
31 | Erê wiła, îca ez nûke jî dibêjimê da, dibêjimê da heger hingî gûrg hatibane me, p-hîviya fenga te da me xûn. E, erê wiła ewe jî hû, tiştêd wihe ewek bün, yanî yêd ko wi zemani ez bîr nekem, zor xoj bün, yanî wi zemanî bo wi zemaney zor tişt hatine guhorîn. |
Yes by God, even now I tell him, I say if the wolves had come to us, they would have eaten us if we were to rely on your rifle. Yes by God and this was how it was, such things were like, those things of that time that I do not forget, were very pleasant, that is since that time to this time many things have changed. | |
32 | Tiştêd nûke gelek wekû hingî nînin. Yanî pîçek yê ewek bûy. Her çendan jî jiyana hingî pîçek asteng bî, nexoş bî, neriḥetî bî, ema dîsa jî zor xoj bî. Yanî têkeliya mileti gel-êk xoj bî. |
Things now are mostly not like they were then. That is it has become a bit like that. No matter how much life back then was a bit difficult, it was uneasy, it was not comfortable, but still it was also very pleasant. The interactions between people were very good. | |
33 | Keywxûşî pitirtir bî, hinde qeder xem û ewek nebûn, hinde qeder nexûşî nebûn. Yan dîsa em bêjîn, mesela hinde dujmindarî nebû neḥesî nebî, erê wiła mamûsta. |
People were more joyful, there was not as much sadness as now, there was not as many difficulties as now. Or to say more, there was not as much enmity, malice, yes by God master. | |
34 | Bibûre me ew şew serê te jî êşand belê min ḥes kir vê ḥekayêtê bo te bêjim. |
Pardon me, I made your head hurt this evening but I wanted to tell you this story. |
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