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S-042 Khalifan, Iraq

 1 Le kin eme jinhênan we bû le qedîm, eh/ dayk-û bawk-û [êle min] ke loyan cêrraymewe, eyangû eme etsûyne tsiyay, le naw tsiyay bûyn.
In our area, in the past, marriage took place like this, uh/ my mum, dad and family who told me about it said we used to go to the mountains, we were in the mountains
 2 Ba/ bawkim ewê le naw tsiyay jiyayne.
My dad said, we were living in the mountains.
 3 E-y-go lewê eme dehatîn, espê, ker, esp-in deyna, swarî e/ ebûynê, le naw espekan,
 He said, when we went there, they used to bring horses, donkeys, horses, and they used to ride them.
 4 Yaʕnî esp-iş debî herdûka, her yekew ciyawaz ba yekem car, her yekew espî xoy heba.
To go there, there had to be two horses, each of the newly weds had a horse of their own.
 5 Bes weçî geyştîne ew cêy, şwênî mebest, ke eme lê eg/ yaʕnî lê egwazînewe-w day enêyn, le wênder ke da-n-na, birrêk-ş-in şayî-w helpertsê-n ekird û de têker ebûyn, jin û pyaw yaʕnî,
But when we arrived at the place where we used to hold the weddings, people started dancing, and the women and men mixed together.
 6 Kes ew fikrey nebû wekû elḥane hene, le naw xelçê me newêrin dû kes bitsine kinê yêk, ke yêk qiseyeçî le barey ewê ke ew erê ew ew heye, ew ew heye, ew ew heye.
People’s attitudes were different to nowadays, such that among our people two people couldn’t be together, because one says things about the other, that has this, that has this, that has this.
 7 Gotî, le dûy hincî şayî-n weçî kird, tewaw bûyn, gotî, ew care pê yêk ker eçûynewe marê.
He said, after the party was finished, after we finished, he said, we’d go home with just one donkey this time.
 8 Le wênder-ş, le marê-ş, birek rrism-in egirtin ege heba, bes serdemê me, eygo, feqîrî bû ewe bû rrism û şitî wey têda nebû, gotî.
And there, at home, people would take pictures, if possible, but then, he said, people were poor, there were no pictures and such things involved, he said.
 9 Kabra p-xêra xo hat, hate marê me, eme-y hînayn, eh/ lewê da-y-nayn û hemû xelçî le kin eme derkird.
A man came to our home, brought us there, and asked the people to leave us.
 10 Eme-y be tenê, be tinê, hêştînuwe.
He kept us alone, on our own.
 11 Wey gote me, “engo herdûk werin, her yeke-w eh/ werin le layeçî danîşin.
He asked us: both of you come here; each sit on one side.
 12 Herdûk le bin yêk nebin, herdûk-iş pêya/ pêya [wahanê] pêkwe nên.”
Do not sit next to each other, but sit facing one another.
 13 Lewê dûrê rrismêçî wa lê egirîn.
We will take a picture from that distance.
 14 Eygo, rrismêçî wa-y le me girtîn.
He said, he took a nice of picture of us.
 15 Eygo, duwayê ke eme dîsanê rrismêçî dîke-ş wa girtîn.
He said, then he took another picture in the same way.
 16 Gotî, herdûk-tan wahanê, destekan le/ le bin lêwekey danê.
He said, both of you place your hands under your lips like that.
 17 Enca hincî wahanê rrawestin, herdûk temaşey min ken û ser pêkwe nên.
Then stay like that for a while, both of you look at me, and put your heads together.
 18 Ewca rrismeçî dî wahanê le me girt.
Then he took such a nice of picture of us.
 19 Dûy hincî-ş, ewca ewe-ş xelaz bû.
Then, that part was also over.
 20 Çüynuwe, dîsa low ḥefteyan-iş-in low ḥeftey rrabirdû kirdewe, gotî, debê rrismeçî wa bigrînuwe ke ciwantir bî le wîne dîke.
We went back that week and he said, we have to take an even more beautiful picture than the other ones.
 21 Gotî, eme pi-xo meraq bûyn, meraqî ew rrismane.
He said, we were curious, curious about the pictures.
 22 Got-in, eme debî rrismî cwantir bigrînuwe, çunku eme lo xû, lew serdeme fikre-w şitî wey nebû wetsî gencî êsta ke elʕane werin, wela nabî rrismî wa bigrî, wey egrî.
We said, we have to take more beautiful pictures, because as far as we were concerned, and these were not the kind of thoughts young people have now, not to take these kind of pictures.
 23 Gotî, eme-ş ew rrismaney ke girtibûn dîsanê hatuwe rrismêçî dîke her lew şêweyey le me girtuwe.
He said, we took the pictures, then he came back, and took another similar picture of us.
 24 Gutiyow me, eh/ engo werin û emin engo-m zor, eh/, pe dir in, heta nûke êkem yaʕnî jin û mêrd e wahanê bibînim wahanê qibûl biken le min ew rrismey, yaʕnî, ke lê bigrim bew newʕey.
He said to us again, you come here, I like you as you were the first couple who let me take this kind of picture, I mean, in this way.
 25 Gotî, eme-ş we-n go baş e, bes we-n gotê, tika-t, yaʕnî ew/ ew rrismey nebeye hîts cêy dîke, bo eme bi tenê lo me bînuwe.
He said, we told him that’s good, but said please, don’t show this picture to anyone else, bring it back only to us.
 26 Her le kin exo-ş, yaʕnî le naw kom/ ewê xo, kamêrey xo mehêruwe, firre-y dewe.
And do not store it on, I mean, the cam/ your thing, your camera, remove it.
 27 Gotî, başe-w. Rrism-î lê girtînuwe, xelik hatuwe.
He said, OK, and took another picture of us, people came.
 28 Gotî, dû rroj paşê hincî, eme pêşanî xelk-in da.
He said, two days after that, we showed them to people.
 29 We-n gotine wê, ewe bû/ we-n gotine wê, we-n go ew xelkey, eh/ ew/ ew rrisme ême ne, bes ew xelkane hatin, xizmî eme bûn ê nizîk.
We told them, that was/ we told them, we told the people, this is our photograph, but the people who came were our close relatives.
 30 Be meyan go, baş e şer bî eme ew rrismaney ê engo epa/ yaʕnî eparêzîn û we narêyne kes, ke kes nabî bizanî.
They said to us, OK, we promise you that we will keep your pictures sec/ I mean secret, and we won’t tell anyone, nobody should know.
 31 Got-in, baş e .
We said, OK.
 32 Gotî, eh, mangêk, dû mang pê tsûn, kure biraw buwe le naw xelçî, eygo, le naw ewê gundî-w
He said, a month, or two months later, word spread among the people, he said, in the village.
 33 Ewe bû, eygo, eme herçî etsûyne şwênî, hûhayan le me ekirdê.
It was like this, he said, whenever we went anywhere, they were booing us.
 34 Eme-yan [wa be tsaw seyr/ seyr ekirdin].
They were staring at us in surprise.
 35 We-y go, “engo êsta lo wehe ne, lo êsta pêşî nûke ewhe bûn, elḥane weha-w lê hatîtê?
They were saying, why are you like this now? Why did you used to be like that, but have now become like this?
 36 Ewhe bü, eytsû, ego eme şerim le xo kird û pe serşorrî hemû rrojê etsûyne êdê-w hîts qisey weto neekirdin.
It was like that, we were ashamed of ourselves as we were going there in disgrace every day, we were not saying anything.
 37 Tenha daenîştin û xo-n kirr ekird leber ewe.
We were just sitting and staying silent for that reason.
 38 Wela, heta axîrî êk her wey gotewe, her pe me-y aşkira kir.
Finally, someone kept asking about it, and exposed us.
 39 Werḥasir, we-yan gote me, tebî birên.
Consequently, they told us you have to say it.
 40 [We-y go]: eme-ş we gotê, kaka, be kurdî-w be kirmancî, be mara şêxê, be serê sora wê, ewey be xoy way gote me, bira engo wahanê rrawestin, eme wahanê rrismek-û lê girim-û, dê ewe-w kem, yaʕnî ewe-ş lo engo, lo yadgarî.
He said, we told them, in Kurdish and in Kurmanji, I swear by the house of the Sheikh, by his red turban, he said, he asked us to pose in that way, and said I will take such a nice of picture of you, I mean, and this will be a beautiful memory for you.
 41 Xoş eger zemanetsî ketnewe be yekdî, le yekdî-ş tûrre bûn, ba ew rrismey wahanê bînnewe ber tsawê yekdî, lêkdî tûrre nabin, yaʕnî lewaneye dirû bêtewe ber exo.
If one day you argue, or became angry with each other, show this picture to each other, and then you will not be angry with each other, I mean, you might calm down.
 42 Ewê xo bin, le yekdîke xoş ebin.
You will forgive each other.
 43 Le ber hindê eygo eme-ş lê gerrayn û êsta-ş lewê ewe bûyn.
That is why, he said, we let him do it, and now we were like that there.
 44 Le dûy hincî, nizanim ewaney xelçî gundekey ḥesûdî w şitî wa-yan be ême hebû.
After that, I wasn’t sure if the people in the village were jealous of us.
 45 Amozayeçî min, yaʕnî dekate, ḥisab ka, bawçê min û ew amozay yektir in, gotî, tsûye çiyay.
A cousin of mine, I mean, my father and his father are cousins, said, I went to the mountains.
 46 Le çiyay hat, kabrayek hate kinê.
He went to the mountains, a man approached him.
 47 Gotî, erê tû, zeḥmet nebî, amozay firan kese y?
He said, excuse me, are you the cousin of that person?
 48 […] gû, berê, fermû?
He told him, yes, why?
 49 Eygû, kure, şiteçî wa ʕentîkey lê biraw bûytewe, ewe rrast e?
He said, man! Something strange was said about him, is it true?
 50 Weygû, le naw Akrê, li Duhoçê rrismêç-yan eh! kirdîte menzerr.
And he said, their picture was displayed publicly in Akre, in Duhok.
 51 Eygû, le naw şwênêk, keseçî dirûst-î kirdîye, werê ewe le firan şwêney.
He said, someone put it up at that place, somebody put it in that place.
 52 Ewe wihe-yan rrisim girtîye.
They took such a nice picture.
 53 Şazî bûk e, şazî zawan e ke ta êsta eme dîtibin.
She is the most special bride, he is the most special groom we have ever seen.
 54 Eygû, êsta birro le zorbey bûkekan ewha rrismî egrin.
He said, now most brides take photographs in the same way.
 55 We erên, ewe zor cwan e, eme-ş debî wa bigrîn-û.
And they say, that is very beautiful, and we want to have pictures like that.
 56 Gotî, emn-îş hatîme, rrastî, zor yaʕnî bî-yan-bînim daxo ewane kû bûyne.
He said, and I am here, in fact, I mean, I see them wondering how the couple have been.
 57 E cwan-ş in le şikr û şitî wa lew rrismey wa cwan rrawestayne, ewe bûyne.
Ah! And they are posing for that picture beautifully, that’s you.
 58 Weygo, baş e, weygo werin.
He told him, OK, and said, come on.
 59 Eygo, hatin.      
He said, they came.
 60 Wela ewane-yan dîtin, pîrozbayî lê kirdin û dest-î maç kirdin.
He saw them, congratulated them and kissed their hands.
 61 Ewan-ş destê ewan maç kird û.
And they kissed his hand.
 62 Kabray gotî, bes be mara şêxê, madem engo wahenê, rrismê we bûyne, kabra birrêçî dewremend bû, mesûl bû, gotî, “debî diyariyeçî lo êwe bikrrim.”
The man said, but I swear by the house of the Sheikh, as it was you, and the pictures were yours, the man was rather wealthy, he was a person in charge, he said, I will buy you a present.
 63 Wela ew-iş hat, mecbûrîyen û ewe bû diyarîyeçî lo kirrîn.
Well, he came, and he had bought a gift for us.
 64 Ew diyarîye-ş ke lo-y kirrîn, kabra be ḥukmî ewey ke dewremend bû, saʕetêk bû ê marê.
And the present he bought for us, as the man was wealthy, was a clock for the home.
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